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Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath
Regan Mcentee Solicitors Trim county Meath

Defective De Puy Hip Replacements

Posted in Category(ies):  Recent Legal Developments

If you are considering bringing a claim against Depuy International Limited in respect of alleged Defective ASR Hip Prostetic System you are strongly advised to issue any Defective Product proceedings in advance of end of July 2012 any action after that then might be deemed Statute Barred as the date of the recall of the Depuy ASR products in Ireland was August 2010. 

The possibility of issuing medical negligence proceedings if there is medical/surgical negligence should also be considered with your legal advisor.


Posted on Tuesday, 28 January 2014  |  By David McEntee
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  • Legal Executives:
  • Leonie Dyar
  • Klaudia Thompson
  • Accountant:
  • Paul O´Looney